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Google’s John Mueller: “Ranking Isn’t Always the Goal”

Site owners should not be so concerned about ranking well in Google that they lose sight of making content that’s useful to people.

That’s the gist of a recent comment left by Google’s John Mueller in a Reddit thread about search rankings.

The thread asks:

“If I didn’t know what technical SEO was, but had consistent high quality CONTENT, could I rank #1?”

In response, Mueller shares a statement that’s seldom heard in the SEO world: “Ranking isn’t always the goal.”

What’s most important is to create content that people are searching for.

In theory, a page could rank well based on content alone, especially if the topic isn’t often searched for.

But how useful would it be to rank #1 for a query if no one is searching for it?

The goal is traffic, and great content by itself will not always generate traffic.

Here is Mueller’s statement:

“Ranking isn’t always the goal, your site can rank well but if nobody searches for it, that’s not really useful. From that, great content alone, even if it’s world class, does not mean you’ll get great traffic. And, understanding computers doesn’t change that part either.”


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