Terms and Conditions
By placing an order with LK Web Media Ltd, you confirm that you are in agreement with and bound by the terms and conditions below.
The Client: The company or individual requesting the services of LK Web Media Ltd.
LK Web Media Ltd: Primary designer/website owner, employees or affiliates.
LK Web Media Ltd will carry out work only where an agreement is agreed either by email, telephone, post or fax. An ‘order’ is deemed to be a written or verbal contract between LK Web Media Ltd and the client; this includes telephone and email agreements.
Website Design;
Whilst every effort will be made to ensure that the website and any scripts or programs are error free, LK Web Media Ltd cannot accept responsibility for any losses incurred due to malfunction, the website or any part of it, this includes images and pre-prepared text.
The website, graphics and any programming code remain the property of LK Web Media Ltd until all outstanding accounts are paid in full.
LK Web Media Ltd cannot take responsibility for any copyright infringements caused by materials submitted by the client. We reserve the right to refuse any material of a copyright nature, images or text included, unless sufficient proof is given proving permission to use such material.
The client agrees to make available as soon as is reasonably possible to LK Web Media Ltd all materials required to complete the site to the agreed standard and within the agreed set deadline.
LK Web Media Ltd will not be liable for costs incurred, compensation or loss of earnings due to the failure to meet agreed deadlines.
LK Web Media Ltd will not be liable or become involved in any disputes between the site owner and their clients and cannot be held responsible for any wrong-doing on the part of a site owner. i.e, any disputes re content/images that have been provided to us for inclusion on the site.
LK Web Media Ltd will not be liable for any costs incurred, compensation or loss of earnings due to the unavailability of the site, its servers, software or any material provided by its agents.
Once a website has been designed and completed the final balance of payment then becomes due in accordance with our payment terms. There are no exceptions to this, i.e If the client decides they no longer want the site, as they have commissioned the work and then paid a deposit they are still obliged to pay for any work that has been done. Failure in LK Web Media Ltd receiving payment shall result in legal action being taken if necessary.
A deposit of 50% is required before any design work will be carried out. This deposit is non-refundable.
Website Rentals;
All rental websites must have one month’s payment made in full prior to commencement of any works.
LK Web Media Ltd cannot guarantee at any time listings on any of the search engines, however always shall try their best to maintain these. LK Web Media Ltd are not responsible at any time if websites are not listed on the search engines and under no circumstances shall offer refunds because of this. Customers are advised they may cancel their standing order and cancel their rental website giving LK Web Media Ltd a minimum of 30 days notice.
Website Hosting;
LK Web Media Ltd shall recommend hosting companies to host websites, however, no guarantees can be made as to the availability or interruption of this service and LK Web Media Ltd cannot accept liability for losses caused by the unavailability, malfunction or interruption of this service, or for loss of turnover, sales, revenue, profits or indirect, consequential or special loss.
LK Web Media Ltd reserve the right to refuse to handle in any way, material which may be deemed offensive, illegal or in any way controversial, all decisions are final.
LK Web Media Ltd will endeavor to ensure that any developed/designed site or application will function correctly on the server it is initially installed in and that it will function correctly when viewed with the web browsing software Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 8. LK Web Media Ltd can offer no guarantees of correct function with all browser software.
LK Web Media Ltd are not responsible for an copyright infragements for content uploaded to our blogs or news pages by a third party.
Payment of Accounts;
A 50% deposit is always required from any new client before any work is carried out. It is the LK Web Media Ltd policy that any outstanding accounts for work carried out by LK Web Media Ltd or its affiliates are required to be paid in full, no later than 30 days from the date of the invoice unless by prior arrangement with LK Web Media Ltd.
Once a deposit is paid and work completed you are obliged to pay the balance of payment in full. We will contact our clients via email and telephone to remind them of such payments if they are not received when due.
If accounts are not settled or LK Web Media Ltd have not been contacted regarding the delay, access to the related website will be denied and web pages removed, we will then pass such cases to the Small Claims Court to pursue payment.
Following consistent non payment of an invoice our Solicitors shall contact the client in question, with a view to taking the matter further and if need be to seek payment through legal procedures, and if necessary court summons.
Individual rental websites monthly costs shall be confirmed to the client in writing. Prior to commencement of any work carried out on the website, one month full fee must be made to LK Web Media Ltd and all details required for the website, i.e, contact details of the company must be received LK Web Media Ltd shall within 1 week of payment being made in full and receipt of required material ensure that the clients details are visible on the rented website.
A standing order shall be required thereafter for the 1st day of each month for monthly instalment payments as agreed. Should the client at any time decide to cancel the standing order the rented website shall have the clients details removed and become available for rent on the open market. Our fee’s are always due one month in advance and so no refund would be available for that month or part thereof. The client is within their rights to cancel their standing order at any time after giving LK Web Media Ltd, minimum one months notice. This is non negotiable.
Please note that LK Web Media Ltd cannot at any time be help responsible for the volume of calls received as a result of the rented website, however, LK Web Media Ltd shall continue to obtain search engine listings on any rented website as much as deemed possible.
Payments for online marketing:
All prices quoted are payable on a monthly basis, in advance, via standing order on the 1st day of each month. For cash credits only, there is an additional bank charge of 2.5%, payable by our client.
Overdue invoices:
Overdue invoices shall incur a late payment fee of 2.5% per day. An administration charge of £25.00 + vat for each recovery letter shall be chargeable.
Anyone who experiences a problem with their web service provided by LK Web Media Ltd should raise the matter directly as soon as possible via email, text, or telephone to do so, giving sufficient information for us to locate the faulty material (such as an url: www address) and clearly outlining the grounds for complaint.
FTP access;
At no time do LK Web Media Ltd disclose our FTP log in details with any third party.
LK Web Media Ltd | Registered in England & Wales No 8032244 | Registered Office: Delamere House, Carpenters Wood Drive, Chorleywood, Herts. WD3 5RP | VAT registration number: 139373493