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Google has been whittling away the value of links since the beginning of the search engine.

The reason Google chooses to ignore certain kinds of links is that those links do not represent a true recommendation.

As far back as 2005, I was told by a Googler at a conference Q&A that Google depreciated links from pages that are irrelevant, like from a footer “powered by” link.

That’s an example of Google removing irrelevant links from what they count as a link signal for ranking purposes.

A true link signal is when a publisher links to a webpage because it is relevant to the topic and therefore useful. What all of the following tactics have in common is that they do not result in a true link signal.

1. Historical Data Link Trap
2. EDU Discount Link Building
3. Free Products Link Building
4. Content Marketing Links
5. Viral Link Campaigns
6. Sponsor Links
7. Scholarship Links
8. Badges for Links Trick
9. Blog Comments
10. Buying Websites
11. Charity Link Building
12. Content Syndication
13. Contests for Links
14. Widget Links
15. Press Release Link Building
16. Profile Link Building
17. Forum Spamming
18. WordPress Theme Link Building



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