07525 206 840 info@lkwebmedia.com


You will have seen the new security warnings in the browsers so your site may already be presenting as NOT SECURE.

If you currently have an ⓘ in the website address bar, then after 26th July 2017, when Chrome 60 is released, your website will display as NOT SECURE.

The risks are serious and you could be experiencing:
1. Lost traffic
2. Lost Revenue
3. Brand Reputation issues
4. Deprecated SEO ranking
5. Broken HTTPS = security vulnerabilities > breach threats
6. GDPR Compliance issues = fines of up to 20 million Euros or 4% of Turnover from 25/5/2018

We have the solution…

LK WEB Media as a new, all-in-one website security service designed by website security experts.

1. We make your website SECURE
2. We take-on the hassle of installing your services
3. We save you TIME and MONEY

So contact us today to secure your website >>


Need help with your sites SEO? >>

Search Engine Optimisation SEO in London

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