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Why You May Need to Create Better Keywords

If you’ve been running your site for a while, chances are you’re already familiar with the basics of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). You probably have a good internal linking strategy, solid meta descriptions, and a decent keyword strategy too. However, it’s easy to become complacent when it comes to your choice of keywords, which can lead to a stagnation in your organic traffic.

Let’s discuss complacency. This means choosing keywords at random, or opting for more flexible keywords than useful ones. These are small oversights that can impact your long term search engine results, so you need to be on top of them. If you’re not aware of what good keywords can do for you, let’s break it down quickly:

• They can increase your organic traffic. You can always pay for clicks and views, but search engine traffic (also called organic) is the holy grail of sources. Simply produce good content with solid keywords, and wait for the results to come in.

• You can use them to find untapped sources of visitors. The right keywords can enable you to tap into overlooked niches, giving you an advantage.

• Make your content sound more natural. Ideally, you want your keywords to fade into the background of your content. If you take every chance you have to stuff them in, the quality of your articles will suffer.

Let’s take a minute to step back and go over an example of what constitutes a suboptimal keyword strategy.

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