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Cyber attacks Are you sharing trade secrets when you share WiFi

Businesses of all shapes and sizes need to protect data in the organisation against cyber attacks.

If it’s not already, strategies to protect data against cyber crime should be a top priority. Here’s an overview of why and how you should protect your data.
Businesses of all shapes and sizes need to protect data in the organisation against cyber attacks. Cyber criminals aren’t only interested in hacking large corporates and making off with huge sums of cash, they will also quite happily target the low hanging fruit.
“Each day cyber attacks are becoming a reality for an increasing number of businesses, so many are asking not if, but when a threat to their network security will occur. Many household names such as eBay, AOL, Sony and JPMorgan Chase have suffered cyber attacks, but they are not confined to large companies.,” said Suzanne Rab, barrister specialising in regulatory law at Serle Court Chambers in London and Virgin Media Business cyber expert.
In fact, cyber crime costs small businesses disproportionately more than big businesses. This is according to the Federation of Small Businesses, which estimated small firms are collectively attacked seven million times a year at an annual cost to the UK of £5.26bn.
Don’t let your company get hit >>


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